A Person-Centred Approach will mean:
Dr Paul Holland has been working in Applied Behavioural Analysis since 1997.
Paul initially trained in Psychology at Macquarie University in Sydney and later completed postgraduate training in ABA at the University of Northern Texas. Paul also trained in California with Behaviour Analysts Inc. and completed his PhD in Psychology at City University London.
Paul has worked with individuals with learning and social, emotional and behavioural difficulties for over 20 years. For the past 10 years, Paul has specialised in Natural Environment Training and Positive Behaviour Support. He has worked with young children and adolescents as well as adults and older adults in a variety of settings including schools, homes and supported living accommodations.
Approach Used:
Our Positive Behaviour Support practitioners (PBS) utilizes assessments that look beyond the service user’s behaviour itself and more towards the social, emotional, cognitive and/or environmental factors influencing his behaviour.
A functional assessment will offer a better understanding of the function or purpose of service user’s behaviour. It contributes to a behaviour support plan by providing an understanding of why the service user may engage in a behaviour and identifying what support is required to address his unmet needs.
Once we have completed an assessment of the service user needs and his environment, a behaviour support plan will be developed.
Our Behaviour support plan often includes the following areas of focus, primary prevention, responding to early signs of behaviour, reactive strategies, reduction in restrictive approaches, skill building, staff development, environmental re-design & Systems change
The support team will assist the service user to take ownership of his own daily programs, aimed at working towards his outcomes based on his needs and wishes, with the inclusion of the service user, we aim to ensure that daily activities build up to outcomes and provide a structured supported route to success.
This includes building upon everyday life skills such as personal care, household tasks, managing bills, managing money, planning shopping trips, family visits, and outings with friends, etc., which will include all aspects that positively impact independence and greater control.
Promoting inclusion
Spencer and Arlington have a clear service user involvement policy that outlines our commitment to the involvement of clients in every aspect of designing, delivering, developing and reviewing service delivery.
Spencer and Arlington encourages involvement in all aspects of service delivery, including but not exclusively, client involvement throughout our recruitment and selection procedure, as well as planning services by contributing to evaluation, for example involvement in service user involvement groups.
We strive to offer service users opportunities to live happy and fulfilling lives, both in their home and local community by facilitating meaningful activities which cover a range of basic life skills, occupations and leisure activities. A wide range is available dependent upon individual interest and need, including social activities and hobbies, living skills and personal care, creative and therapeutic activities, sport and leisure, supported paid or voluntary employment, further education and other learning opportunities.
Promoting Independence
Spencer and Arlington strive to promote the enablement of clients in all its service delivery.Enablement proposes a continuous, systematic approach to service delivery with a specific focus on anticipatory care and the provision of the means, opportunity and empowerment to attain life choices.The emphasis is on self and lifestyle management through health and wellbeing improvement and health and social promotion. This also means supporting people who can use community services including culture and leisure services, lifelong learning opportunities and voluntary agencies services as appropriate.
Holistic Approach
The needs of learning disabled people, Mental Health & Older People often span more than one care or service system, and consequently many different agencies or sectors must be involved in the provision of Domiciliary & supported living or community-based care, including health, social care, housing, education, employment, transport, leisure, criminal justice and social security. Spencer and Arlington employ a holistic approach in the care of clients across both Mental Health and Learning Disabilities. A holistic service approach is one which:
• promotes social inclusion
• respects cultural diversity
• is committed to working with families and carers
• is committed to working within a multi-disciplinary and multi-skilled framework
• normalises cross-agency partnership working, and
• promotes holistic interventions and support
Spencer and Arlington will ensure networks are established with and for clients to ensure that a holistic service is provided across all aspects of a clients life.
Service User Forum
The Voices That Matter
At our Service User Forums we are closely linked with the Board of Directors, it was established following the introduction of personalisation. The Service User Forum helps us as service users to have our say, we take part in changing policies, procedures, our aspirations and expectations, we take part in budgets, oversee complaints, improve the services and shout when we have to.
The Service User Forum is open to all Service Users and meets every 3 months.